2017 Great Cleveland Clean-Up

This event already happened, and was a success!

Help us remove ALL of the litter in Cleveland in one day!

On April 22, we are hosting the 4th annual Great Cleveland Clean-Up.  Volunteers can meet coordinators at 25 different meeting locations at 12:30pm.  Before we divide into groups, volunteers are taught how to recycle and educated on the effects of litter.  We will spread out in groups of five, removing as much litter as possible in three hours.  Volunteers primarily focus on removing litter from parks, sidewalks, playgrounds, neighborhoods, and highway exists & entrances.

The Great Cleveland Clean-Up is an opportunity for employees or students to receive community service hours.  We partner with many nonprofit organizations, businesses, youth groups, schools, and churches to raise awareness.  This year, our goal is to enlist 2,200 volunteers for the Great Cleveland Clean-Up.  This means we need 440 groups of 5!  It takes a great deal of networking, organization, and leadership to put this event together.  Please consider reaching out to join a committee.

Logistics Chairman:  Jeff Schlekie | 440-829-4703 | jeff@thelitterbugz.org

Volunteer Chairman:  Nina Rossi  | 216-470-4548 | nina@thelitterbugz.org

Finance Chairman:  Mark Soltysik | 440-341-4610 | mark@thelitterbugz.org

Our cleaning events are organized passionately by people who volunteer to pick up litter.  We encourage others to create change in hopes to inspire an environmentally friendly culture.  Litter is a distraction.  Litter also disturbs peolle.  Without litter, resources are more accessible.  People tend to gravitate toward cleaner areas spending more money with local businesses. Making the environment more attactive improves the economy.

Register Now!  Please complete the Volunteer Registration Form below and a member of the Volunteer Committee will reach out to you.

Let's Talk About It

  1. Tracy Weathers says:

    I’ve got an area that is desperate need of clean up, thanks to the City of Cleveland. How about West 73rd off Denison Avenue Across from Berry Avenue. The City of Cleveland left such a mess there from past projects and know for the last year we’ve had to look at it. So sad what the city has done to its WestSide residents.

    • The Bug says:

      Yes, we can! Please meet us as the closest meeting location to this area at 12:30pm. We will get a group together there and dispatch to West 73rd and Denison across from Berry Avenue! Let’s do this, 🙂

  2. Lynn Radcliffe says:

    I am getting people togethet who used to live in East Cleveland & want to clean up areas in East Cleveland. Where should we meet & will we be able to be assigned to East Cleveland?

    • Thank you Lynn! The meeting locations for East Cleveland are Martin Luther King, Jr. Civic Center (14801 Shaw Ave. East Cleveland, OH 44102) and Ensemble Theatre / Urban Oak School (2843 Washington Blvd, Cleveland, OH 44118 – Behind the library at Coventry and Euclid Hts. blvd). Meet us there at 12:30pm, make sure each volunteer “registers” here on the website. Thank you, Jeff (logistics chairman)

      • Patricia Blochowiak says:

        Only the MLK site is in East Cleveland. Ensemble Theater is in Cleveland Heights. Please join us in East Cleveland. With all the dumping, we need a lot of help.


        • Eric Johnson says:

          We are holding a collaborative meeting for the East Cleveland process at the Coit Rd Farmer’s Market on Saturday April 8th at 1pm to discuss strategies. Please check out facebook pages “More Love Less Litter in East Cleveland” and “Voice for My People: Helping tor rebuild better and safer community.

  3. Loew Park is under construction through May and I just went over there and it’s a pretty muddy mess. Can I recommend meeting at Foote Park instead and doing a clean up of Foote Park and Pearl Road? Foote Park is a small park by the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo entrance. I work for the nonprofit development corporation that serves the Old Brooklyn neighborhood and can be reached at 216-459-1000. Thanks!

  4. Nichole Wilson says:

    That’s the day of the March for Science….might be a cool idea to try and get some of the marchers on board for the cleanup?

  5. I’m going to talk to my scout troop about getting involved in this. You really might want to talk to some at council headquarters, too. The council office’s number is 216-861-6060.

  6. Eran Shiloh says:

    What about the MLK drive, from University circle to I90, lots of litter along both sides of the road. ?
    We can meet at the parking lot across from the tennis courts and by the pond, near the intersection of E. 105th and MLK Jr dr. The entrance to the parking lot is from MLK Jr drive,

  7. Mike Boyes says:

    Are people still meeting at Euclid memorial or just Euclid Creek? Thought I read memorial was cancelled?

  8. Emma Shook says:

    The clean-up on Saturday was very inspiring! We went to a neighborhood in Cleveland Heights, and started picking up litter, and two young boys from that block got off of their bikes and joined us!
    I want to be more involved in Litterbugz. My partner and I pick up trash every time we go out, and sometimes do a sweep of an area ourselves. So it’s something I feel very passionate about!
    Thanks so much for organizing, and making Cleveland more beautiful!

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