July 4th Holiday Clean-Up

This event already happened, and was a success!

Help us remove ALL of the litter from North Randall in one day!

Let’s Celebrate July 4 by picking up litter!  We are hosting a clean up starting at LED Signz in North Randall, Ohio.  Volunteers will arrive at 9:00 am.  Before we divide into groups, volunteers are taught how to recycle and educated on the effects of litter.  We will spread out in teams of five, removing as much litter as possible in just two hours.  Volunteers primarily focus on removing litter from parks, sidewalks, playgrounds, and highway exists & entrances.  The July 4th Holiday Clean-Up is an opportunity for employees or students to receive community service hours.

  • HOSTS:  Amid Yousef, Jeff Schlekie
  • MEET-UP LOCATION:  Meet us at LED Signz parking lot and look for green shirts.
  • The first 50 volunteers will receive a free lunch after the clean-up!

Our cleaning events are organized passionately by people who volunteer to pick up litter.  We encourage others to create change in hopes to inspire an environmentally friendly culture.  Litter is a distraction.  Litter also disturbs people.  Without litter, resources are more accessible.  People tend to gravitate toward cleaner areas spending more money with local businesses. Making the environment more attractive improves the economy.

Register Now!  Please click the link below to complete the Volunteer Registration Form.

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